Safe and Therapeutic Massage Techniques For Clients in a Lateral Recumbent Position, Including Prenatal Clients
Instructor: Matt Jones, MT, DC – NCBTMB Approved CE Provider

For various reasons, be it due to discomfort, pregnancy, obesity, or other concerns, many clients may be unable to lay prone. When a client needs relief of pain or dysfunction in their back and/or gluteal regions, but cannot lay prone, being able to offer treatment in a lateral recumbent/sidelying position is an excellent adaptation.
The objective of this 4-hour class is to introduce techniques that can be performed on clients in a lateral recumbent position. Techniques from multiple modalities will be shown along with instruction on application to clothed and unclothed clients. Contraindications for pregnancy as well as review of related musculoskeletal anatomy will be discussed.
In this class, we will:
- Learn safe positioning for both clothed and disrobed clientele, as well as draping when appropriate.
- Review precautions and contraindications for pregnant clients, including acupoints to avoid.
- Understand proper body mechanics while providing massage to clients in a lateral recumbent position.
- Demonstrate knowledge in application of a variety of effective techniques for use on a sidelying client.
Feeling capable of delivering massage to a client in lateral recumbent position can open up new doors and give you the confidence to step outside comfort zones, all in service of others. The majority of class will be hands-on and is designed to be received in both an unclothed and clothed state. If you are interested in expanding your skill-set, this class is for you!