Lower Back Focused Massage

Treating Common Complaints Related To The Lower Back And Associated Regions With Multiple Modalities
Instructor: Matt Jones, MT, DC – NCBTMB Approved CE Provider
Lower back pain and dysfunction have multiple sources, from labor intensive wear, to sedentary lifestyles and trauma, along with several others. While discomfort may be local to the lower back, it also can refer from related areas such as the gluteals.
This class is for massage therapists looking to enhance their understanding of the lower back and provide relief to clients in need. Drawing upon multiple modalities, we will treat the soft tissues of the lower back, abdominals, and gluteal region that contribute to regional pain, limited range of motion, and common complaints such as lumbago and sciatica. We will review relevant anatomy, the lumbo-sacral plexus, along with discussing indications and contraindications.
4-hour course will emphasize:
- Utilization of Deep Tissue, Tuina, Thai, and Shiatsu techniques, for treatment of common issues specific to the lumbar region.
- A deeper awareness of the thoraco-lumbo-sacral complex, including related nerves and the thoraco-lumbar fascia.
- Improved client quality of life by enhancing mobility and reducing dysfunction that impedes day to day activities.
- Hands-on time to improve body mechanics and therapist comfort while treating this body region.
Upon completion of this course, therapists will feel confident in treating clients who present with lower back discomfort and pain. With more knowledge and tools to address this region, along with a refreshed approach, more options for bringing clients relief will be available to you!