Therapeutic Neck Massage

Therapeutic Neck Massage

Utilizing Various Techniques to Address Neck Pain, Limited ROM, and Common Complaints Associated with Neck Tension
Instructor: Matt Jones, MT, DC – NCBTMB Approved CE Provider


In a society with ever increasing neck issues from computer/mobile device use, a sedentary lifestyle and forward head posture, massage therapists are tasked more than ever to treat neck associated dysfunction.

This course is designed for massage therapists who want to expand their knowledge of the neck and provide relief for a wide range of related dysfunctions. Utilizing various modalities, we will treat the soft tissues of the neck, upper back, and base of skull that contribute to regional pain, limited range of motion, and common complaints such as tension headaches. There will be a brief muscle review which will include relevant soft tissues, nerve plexuses, arteries, veins and bones of the neck and head, as well as discussing related indications/contraindications.

This class will focus on:

  • Demonstration of various various massage therapy techniques from multiple systems, including Deep Tissue, Tuina, Thai, Shiatsu, and Sensory Repatterning, for treatment of common issues of the neck.
  • Soft tissue manipulation and stretches that will increase ROM and relieve stress.
  • Effective techniques for headache relief that includes understanding how using acupressure points to help in the pain relief.
  • Plenty of hands-on time to deepen understanding and awareness when treating this body region.

The goal of this 4-hour course is to provide a renewed understanding of the structures and functions of the neck and a variety of techniques to bring back to your clients right away. Disrobing the torso region is optional. A beginner’s mindset and desire to share potentially new techniques with one another is all you are asked to bring to class.
